Enterprise File Sync & Share
File Sharing built for your Business
Data Sharing is a key component of Workplace Productivity. Employees today need to collaborate, sometimes across different countries, on various presentations, documents and spread-sheets. Along with that, they want to modify, view and share content of different types on the go across multiple devices such as their Smartphones, Tablets and Laptops. As such, there is a pressing need for Enterprise-grade File-Sharing tools. Such tools allow employees to securely modify, view and share documents, photos, videos and more across multiple devices and with multiple employees as well as other external agents such as Business Partners and Suppliers. Ultimately, it increases the Productivity of the employees.
Our Enterprise File Synchronisation and Sharing (EFSS) solution enables teams to work anytime, anywhere, with anyone seamlessly on the cloud.

Secure, Simple and Flexible
Features our Enterprise File Sync & Share (EFSS) Solution offers:
Secure File-Sharing
Industry-Standard AES 256-bit encryption for local files on-device or data in-transit – gives the assurance and confidence that files are not accessed and modified without authorization
Multi-factor authentication with password policies that can integrate with your Business’s Active Directory (AD) or Single Sign-On (SSO) Systems – ensure users’ credentials are verified
Complete visibility over all user activities through Audit Reports (only for Admins) – monitor usage behaviors and generate audit trails
Efficient Usage
Files can be synced from the cloud to your device without using any hard-disk space – interact with files without worrying about storage space
Access your contents from a familiar mounted drive in Windows Explorer / macOS Finder and the changes made are automatically synced to the cloud – hassle-free User Experience
Files can be modified offline and its contents will be synced to the cloud once you are connected to the internet – be productive even in remote areas
Reduce bandwidth usage with intelligent file access
Whether your files are stored on-premise or in the cloud, we can design an Enterprise File-Sharing System that meets your Business’s needs
Integrate with a wide range of applications to stay productive such as Microsoft Office, Google Apps and Salesforce
Complete Ownership
Administrators can assign folder and file permissions to different groups of users – prevent unauthorized access to sensitive company information
Users can lock documents to prevent unauthorized modification by other users
Users can choose the people that are able to view or edit their files through sharing a secure, password-protected link – complete ownership over who gets to view and modify your files
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