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Therese Park

8 Technology Trends to Look Forward to in 2023

Almost every year (*nervous laugh*), I look ahead and outline the key tech trends for the coming year – i.e. those that businesses must address today to remain competitive.

So, let’s take a look at my list of the key tech trends that everyone should be ready for in 2023:

#1: Metaverse

Metaverse refers to the virtual, three-dimensional space focused on social connection. In this “integrated network of 3D virtual worlds”, people can socialise, collaborate, play, and work together.

In 2023, we will start to see that metaverse is both mobile and post-mobile. We will still interface with it from wherever we are in the world and on whatever devices we like. But the default won’t always be a smartphone. New ways we access, experience, and interact with content include headsets, smart glasses, and even full-body haptic feedback suits, and these (among others) will define the opportunities that are created.

Businesses wanting to ensure they are not laggards when it comes to the next iteration of the internet now need to think hard about two things:

  1. How will they leverage these opportunities to build products and services that deliver more immersive and rewarding experiences?

  2. And how can they take advantage of the platforms and tools becoming available to make their internal processes more engaging and efficient? This could mean building capacity for collaborative remote working, training, onboarding, and project management.

#2: AI Everywhere

Ok, the AI hype has been around for a while, but if you’re not someone who is actively involved with working on technology, you may not appreciate how ubiquitous AI has become. We use smart algorithms every time we search the internet, shop online, navigate as we travel, choose how we entertain ourselves, manage our schedules, and carry out countless tasks – both creative and mundane.

The hype isn’t going to end any time soon. AI has been described by Google CEO Sundar Pichai as “more significant than fire or electricity” in terms of the impact it will have on human civilization. The maturing ecosystem of no-code AI solutions and as-a-service platforms will continue to make it more accessible. With technology infrastructure and (to some extent) budget no longer a hard barrier to entry, those with good ideas will be able to create new AI-enhanced products and services which simplify or enhance our lives.

One strong focus of AI activity in 2023 will be around the augmentation of workers. Although AI will inevitably lead to the disappearance of some types of human jobs, new ones will emerge to replace them. Responsible, forward-looking employers will increasingly think about navigating this change by enabling workforces to fully leverage the new tools that are available to them.

Another exciting field to watch is synthetic content. This involves harnessing the creative power of AI to produce entirely new images, sounds, or information that has never existed before. Just like a human does when they paint a picture or write a piece of music. Natural language algorithms enable computers to understand and recreate human language communications. This means I can have my avatar answer a question or deliver a talk in my own voice without ever having to have spoken the words. The same technology drives the infamous Tom Cruise deepfakes, and the Metaphysic act that has wowed audiences on America’s Got Talent this year. In 2023, we can expect to see growth in the use of this generative form of AI across entertainment and business.

#3: A Digitally Editable World

Our ever-evolving ability to digitally recreate anything in the physical world is what makes the metaverse viable (or inevitable even) in the first place. But this idea goes further than simply creating immersive online experiences; today, we can edit things in the digital world in a way that influences the real world.

We see similar abilities to edit or program real-world materials in nanotechnology. By manipulating characteristics and compositions of material at a nano-scale, we can give materials new features, such as self-healing paints and water-repellent clothes, or we can develop completely new materials, such as graphene, the thinnest and strongest material known to exist.

And the pinnacle of the editable world is the manipulation of living organisms such as plants, animals, or humans by editing the genetic information responsible for the development and functioning of those organisms. Initiatives such as the Human Genome Project have enabled us to successfully create digital representations of entire DNA strands, and innovative approaches such as the CRISPR Cas9 gene editing method allow us to change the DNA and genetic structure of living organisms.

This technology opens up a range of possibilities that are almost unlimited, as it means that any characteristic of a living organism that is inherited can theoretically be changed. Children could be made immune to illnesses that their parents are susceptible to, crops can be developed that are resistant to pests and disease, and medicines could be tailored to individuals according to their own genetic make-up.

#4: Cybersecurity Mesh

Cybersecurity mesh utilises a holistic approach to ensure the security of every device within its perimeter. According to Gartner, the worldwide information security market is expected to reach $170.4 billion in 2022.

While it comes with several incredible benefits like robust cloud security in both remote and onsite workplaces, we note that cybersecurity mesh also has risks.

For instance, the heavy investment in this technology may not see cost-benefit until 2-3 years. IT groups can benefit from cybersecurity mesh, but they must be familiar with a new IT security system.

By 2025, it is estimated that 75% of large companies will actively pursue a vendor consolidation strategy, and 50% will adopt privacy-enhancing computation.

#5: Driverless Cars

For some people, trusting their car with the ability to drive itself might seem a bit far-fetched. However, in 2023, the concept of driverless cars will be a reality.

With the use of advanced AI and sensors, cars will be able to recognize their surroundings and react accordingly. And, since 2023 is the year that electric vehicles become more affordable, driverless cars will also be fully powered by electricity, making them even more environmentally friendly.

In terms of where driverless cars will first be implemented, we’re likely to see them used in a limited capacity in cities, and this is because of the narrow roads and heavy traffic that is found in urban areas.

However, once the technology is fully implemented, we can see driverless cars used on highways. For example, driverless cars could be used to merge traffic and allow for smoother travel.

#6: Drones for Everyone

By 2023, drones will be able to fly for everyone. Currently, drones are used mainly by professional photographers and videographers. However, by 2023, drones will be affordable enough for every person to own. And, thanks to improvements in aerial technology, they’ll be able to fly for hours without needing a recharge.

This will make them a more affordable option for everyone, even those without a background in technology.

Furthermore, since drones won’t require special permissions in 2023, we may see them used for broader purposes. For example, we may see people using them for search and rescue operations. Apart from that, we may also see a rise in the use of drones for commercial purposes, such as package delivery and inspection.

#7: Smell-o-vision for Everyone

In the year 2023, we may see the implementation of smell-o-vision technology. Currently, smell-o-vision is mainly used in the medical sector. However, by 2023, the technology will be implemented in various consumer products, such as smartphones, televisions, and cars.

This technology will allow users to experience several different smells, such as meat cooking or a flower blooming, through their devices. This will make the devices even more immersive.

Apart from that, smell-o-vision may also allow users to play virtual or augmented reality games through their devices, making them even more interactive and immersive.

However, when it comes to smell-o-vision, there are a few things to keep in mind. While the technology will allow you to experience new scents through your device, the intensity of the smell will likely be below. In addition, smell-o-vision may not work in very cold or hot environments.

#8: Bionic Ears for Everyone

By the year 2023, we may see the implementation of bionic ears. Bionic ears, also known as cochlear implants, will allow deaf people to hear. Currently, cochlear implants are used mainly by adults. However, by 2023, we may see the technology implemented in children.

This technology will allow children with hearing loss to hear through a worn device inside their ears. Currently, the cost of bionic ear implants is very high. However, by 2023, the prices of bionic ears may come down, allowing more people to benefit from the technology.

Besides, bionic ears may also allow you to use your hearing to play sounds through a device, like a speaker or headphones. This may allow you to experience sounds that you usually wouldn’t be able to. For example, you may be able to hear the sounds of people you are close to or listen to nature's sounds, such as a bird or a stream.

This article is brought to you by eVantage Technology.

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